Sunday, July 16, 2023

Around Town

First, it is important to know that in the summer months, I am usually a dog that is comfortable in my dog house or inside an air conditioned home. Here in Austria, it is hot. In fact, there is a heat wave and it is very, very, hot! But Dr. Barr and I found ways to cool off. 
Our day started with a virtual reality time travel show. We got to wear special glasses.
Inside the show, we also saw a wax figure of the famous Austrian musician, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Dr. Barr really liked this part since we got to hear some of Mozart's beautiful piano music.
After the show, we traveled to one of Vienna, Austria's, famous art museums. Dr. Barr thought it would be funny if I helped her do a little scene from the movie, "The Lion King." I played the part of Simba from one of the museum's balconies.
Dr. Barr and I toured the museum with Ms. Cecchino, a high school art history teacher. She taught us that many of the white marble statues we see were once very colorful. The paint faded or disappeared completely over time. Here is an example:
After all our learning, we were hungry and shared rainbow dumplings and lemon gelato. Everything was delicious.
We started walking to a nearby park, when I saw a surprise statue! Do you know who it is? The big treble clef might give you a clue.
Here is a closer look.
MOZART! He is celebrated all over Vienna. I wonder where else he may surprise us?
When it was time for dinner, Dr. Barr was too hot and tired to hold me, so she made me hold on to the bus handle all by myself. I am super strong. 
Finally, we reached a lovely outdoor restaurant for dinner. Dr. Barr sat with her friends, and I met a new friend, too. He even shared his water. 
I need to get some sleep. Dr. Barr said we are going on a bike ride around the city tomorrow. I think I may wear my hoodie again. 


  1. Sharing food with a DOG? EEEEEEWW! Dog germs!

  2. It's so cool you got to share some water with a doggie friend. I hear it's called a Hund in German, and do you know what they call children? Kinder! I've heard Dr Barr use that in her KinderStar class!

  3. I'm so glad you got to meet a friend of your own! It's very nice that he shared his water with you. It looks as though you and Dr. Barr are having a wonderful time learning more about Mozart! Please keep sharing awesome pictures!
