Thursday, July 13, 2023

We are flying!

After a good night's sleep, Dr. Barr and I are back at the airport. We have an airplane with no diapers clogging the pottys and are ready to go. I'm excited to be flying above the clouds again. 
Dr. Barr let me have the window seat. 
it looks like we are next in line for take off. 
We are in the air! Look at how small the buildings are. 
Ahhhhh! I'm inside a cloud!
Now, the plane is above the clouds. They look like cotton candy.
Dinner time! I got my own little dish of food. Dr. Barr had buttered chicken with cilantro rice and veggies. She really liked it. The lemon cookie was her favorite. 
It's dark outside. We got our neck pillows out and my sleep mask. When we wake up, we'll be landing in Paris. Then we have a short plane ride to Austria! 
Good night, Snoopy.


  1. Flying is the best! I'm glad you get to sleep when you fly. I've never tried, but it probably wouldn't work for me.

  2. the night mask is such a necessity

  3. Thanks for sharing the cool pictures of your flight! I hope you and Dr. Barr got some good rest on the plane. That's the good thing about being a passenger instead of the pilot.
